
Chall: Reversing ELF


Task 1: Crackme1


  1. chmod +x ./crackme1

  2. Run the file: ./crackme1 and boom, we will get the flag!!

Flag: flag{not_that_kind_of_elf}

Task 2: Crackme2


  1. use this command in order to get strings in the program: strings crackme2

  2. we will see the password in the output: super_secret_password

  3. on running the chall, we will get the flag: ./crackme2 super_secret_password

Flag: flag{if_i_submit_this_flag_then_i_will_get_points}

Task 3: Crackme3


  1. use strings to get the string: strings crackme3

  2. we will see there is some base64 strings in the output: ZjByX3kwdXJfNWVjMG5kX2xlNTVvbl91bmJhc2U2NF80bGxfN2gzXzdoMW5nNQ==

  3. Decoding that string from cyberchef, we will get the flag

Flag: f0r_y0ur_5ec0nd_le55on_unbase64_4ll_7h3_7h1ng5

Task 4: Crackme4


  1. we have to solve it using GDB: gdb crackme4

  2. getting info of functions using and get the hex value for strcmp@plt: 0x0000000000400520 strcmp@plt

  3. make breakpoint from that value: b *0x0000000000400520

  4. run the program: r aaaa

  5. we will see the password string in $rdi register: my_m0r3_secur3_pwd

Flag: my_m0r3_secur3_pwd

Task 5: Crackme5


  1. open the file with gdb: gdb crackme5

  2. checked info and adding breakpoint to main: b *main

  3. run the program using: r

  4. use ni to check for next instruction and continue entering till it will ask for input.

  5. Write input as test

  6. continue ni and we will see OfdlDSA|3tXb32~X3tX@sX4tXtz`in the register section


Task 6: Crackme6


  1. On running the binary, it has provided hint to analyze the binary, ghidra is the best software to do so. Therefore upload file to ghidra

  2. Analyse mysecure test function

undefined8 my_secure_test(char *param_1)

  undefined8 uVar1;

  if ((*param_1 == '\0') || (*param_1 != '1')) {
    uVar1 = 4294967295;
  else if ((param_1[1] == '\0') || (param_1[1] != '3')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[2] == '\0') || (param_1[2] != '3')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[3] == '\0') || (param_1[3] != '7')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[4] == '\0') || (param_1[4] != '_')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[5] == '\0') || (param_1[5] != 'p')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[6] == '\0') || (param_1[6] != 'w')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if ((param_1[7] == '\0') || (param_1[7] != 'd')) {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  else if (param_1[8] == '\0') {
    uVar1 = 0;
  else {
    uVar1 = 0xffffffff;
  return uVar1;
  1. From this function, we can clearly see the flag

Flag: 1337_pwd

Task 7: Crackme7


  1. Same as before, analyse main function in ghidra

  2. In main function there is this bit of code:

else if (local_14 == 0x7a69) {
  puts("Wow such h4x0r!");
  1. So, if value is 0x7a69 (31337), it will return flag

Flag: flag{much_reversing_very_ida_wow}

Task 8: Crackme8


  1. Exactly as before, in ghidra analyse main function

  2. In the code, it is showing if condition

if (iVar2 == -0x35010ff3) {
  puts("Access granted.");
  uVar1 = 0;
  1. when we run the function with that decimal it will give flag: ./crackme8 -889262067

Flag: flag{at_least_this_cafe_wont_leak_your_credit_card_numbers}

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